Every month accross USA, thousands of vehicles are seized by various Government offices (IRS, DEA, FBI) & Police sections and auctioned off to the public. Due to particular laws these vehicles are listed and sold at up to 95% OFF their first price.
This is a really preserved source of income for the majority of car dealerships and is not publicized to the standard public. Nevertheless, some of them have accumulated sufficient data and access rights to be capable to let their members delight a multitude of the direct sources where one could obtain their next vehicle with up to 90% economies off the book value price.
Many auction sales begin at $100. Government pre-owned / excess vehicles are well maintained are usually only 2-3 yrs old. We offer you immediate gain admittance to 4,000+ updated vendues nationwide, NOT searchable elsewhere on the Internet and with guaranteed listings in all states.
That's why I definitly prefer buying a car through an auctionss website and more particularly a government auction website such as this one
On this website, in the Government-Auctions Member's Area you will have straightaway access to direct links to many Federal and Government associated vehicle auction sales including seized, surplus, foreclosed, repossessed or fleet vehicles at rock lowest prices. You will have simple and immediate access to the auction contact data including the different geographic emplacements, dates, times, sites and contact phone numbers. Use our "auction finder" to find a large number of available auction sales to members in each state.
I chose this website because it is the first popular source for US Authorities Auto Auction Sales, Check Why:
You will get UNLIMITED admittance to the widest Online Source of US Government auctions in every state in the US. Get direct 24-hours 7-days a week admittance to our databases of auctions and lists of available vehicles, trucks, SUV's at up to 95% OFF Book Value with good titles and other seized assets including:
Government Pre-Owned & Seized cars, Trucks, & SUV's:
Full Governement vendues Database access! All cars, makes & models, SUV's, trucks and more dealt for up to 90% off book value in your area!
Seized Boats And Vessels
Purchase your dream boat, jet ski, or other vessel for about nothing! Get in on the big auctions, the world's widest boat and vessel liquidations now!
Seized Real Estate - Listings From Police, IRS, & more!
Search and bid on seized and foreclosed homes, land, Personal property and more in your region!
Personal property items
Jewellery, piece of furniture, office equipment, collectables, antiques sports memorabilia and more.
Unclaimed money
Americans have almost $15 billion bucks in unclaimed pecuniary resources waiting to be asked.
Now you know why I like buying there!
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